WSO Holds Virtual Biennial Convention- Board Selected for New Term

Ottawa (December 6, 2021):   The World Sikh Organization of Canada held a virtual biennial convention on Saturday December 4, 2021.  Given the current COVID pandemic, the event was held online for the first time. Representatives from across Canada attended the convention to reflect on the successes and opportunities over the past two years and to select the Board of Directors for the next two-year term.   

At the conclusion of the convention, the 31-member board of directors of the organization was unanimously selected. For the first time, the majority of the WSO Board of Directors and two-thirds of the Executive will be constituted by Sikh women. 

The WSO Executive team for the term 2022-2023 will be: 

President: Tejinder Singh Sidhu, Calgary AB

Sr. Vice President:  Sharanjeet Kaur, Brampton ON

Director of Finance:  Danish Singh Brar, Surrey BC

Director of Administration:  Kirpa Kaur Grewal, Brampton ON

BC Vice President:  Guntaas Kaur Cheema, Richmond BC

Alberta Vice President:  Harman Singh Kandola, Edmonton AB

Central Vice President:  Shaizinder Kaur Dhaliwal, Regina SK

Ontario Vice President:  Dr. Jaspreet Kaur Bal, Toronto ON

Quebec & Atlantic Vice President: Harginder Kaur, Montreal QC 

Tejinder Singh Sidhu said,

 “I thank the Sangat and the WSO team for their support in my first term as President and for having entrusted me with a second term. 

The WSO is making a tangible impact in the lives of Sikhs in Canada and we are honoured to serve as the voice of Sikhs in Canada. 

We are excited that for the first time ever, in our 37-year history, the majority of the WSO’s Board of Directors and Executive will be constituted by Sikh women from across Canada.  

I am proud of the strong team of professionals who have chosen to serve on the Board. With issues facing us such as Bill 21 in Quebec, the resettlement of Afghan Sikh and Hindu refugees to Canada and Indian interference in the Canadian Sikh community, the WSO is ready to address the challenges that lie ahead.  With the support of the community, we will continue to fearlessly advocate on behalf of Sikhs in Canada.”

The World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) is a non-profit organization with a mandate to promote and protect the interests of Canadian Sikhs, as well as to promote and advocate for the protection of human rights of all individuals.