

The World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) promotes and protects the interests of Sikhs in Canada and around the world and advocates for the protection of human rights for all.  

We have been to the Supreme Court of Canada on numerous occasions fighting and protecting the rights of Sikhs, and other faiths, to freely practice their religion. 

We uphold civil liberties, irrespective of an individuals background.

We engage in media and government relations across the country, ensuring the Sikh story and identity is understood and respected.

We empower our youth and community through initiatives like the Sikh Family Helpline, Sikh Youth Leadership Institute, Sikh Mentorship Program and KarmaGrow.

We host seminars, put on events, work with interfaith partners, pursue democratic engagement, and more. 

We are Canada's premier national Sikh advocacy organization.

Our Story

On June 4, 1984, the Government of India launched a military assault (“Operation Blue Star”) on Sri Darbar Sahib (commonly known as the Golden Temple) in Amritsar, India. This date was chosen at a time when thousands of Sikh pilgrims had gathered to commemorate the martyrdom of the fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Sahib Ji.

Thirty-eight other Sikh Gurdwaras across Punjab were also attacked.

Thousands of innocent Sikhs – men, women, and children – were killed.

The highest seat of Sikh temporal authority, Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, was reduced to rubble.

The Sikh Reference Library, containing countless historical manuscripts and documents was left in ashes.

A news blackout was issued and no media were permitted in or out of Punjab, India, where the majority of the Sikh population resides.

The World Sikh Organization was formed in 1984, following the above events to provide an effective and credible voice to represent Sikh interests on the world stage.

Mission Statement

The World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) promotes and protects the interests of Sikhs in Canada and around the world and advocates for the protection of human rights for all.  

Primary National Objectives

The WSO of Canada was registered with the Government of Canada as a non-profit organization, under the name World Sikh Organization of Canada, and has the following primary national objectives:

  • To foster understanding and good will towards all nations, creeds, persuasions and faiths;
  • To act as a representative body and spokes-body of the Sikhs of Canada 
  • To liaise with government and non-government agencies and to apprise them of the interests of the Sikhs;
  • To encourage, develop and maintain close relationships with similar and like-minded organizations throughout Canada;
  • To do all such things consistent with the doctrines and ethics of Sikhism and the law of the land as are conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the World Sikh Organization of Canada.

In Canada, the WSO has a National Assembly of 21 Executive Members representing five regions in Canada.