Ottawa – (December 18, 2009) The World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) expresses deep concern over the violence that occurred in Ludhiana earlier this month and the role of Punjab’s political leadership and the administration .
While the state administration is expected to keep a finger on the pulse of public opinion, sentiments and sensitivities to prevent any unfortunate developments in a preemptive manner, the Punjab administration appears to have done just the opposite. Instead of preventing an ugly situation from occurring, they appear to have added fuel to the simmering fire by ignoring cautionary warnings from responsible citizen groups and using lethal force to crush a peaceful protest. This resulted in several injuries and innocent fatality.
WSO believes that the government of Punjab needs to restore public confidence in its administrative and law-enforcement policies and practices. It can do so expeditiously by holding a judicial inquiry to critically analyze the incident and ensure it is not repeated in the future.
WSO Canada President, Prem Singh Vinning said, “Governments must ensure that religious sentiments are not unnecessarily inflamed by any person or group. The violence in Ludhiana was completely avoidable and the loss of life was senseless. Security forces must be used to protect the people, not to take their lives.”
The World Sikh Organization of Canada is a non-profit human rights organization registered in Canada. Founded in 1984 with a mandate to promote and protect the interests of the Sikh Diaspora, as well as to promote and advocate for the protection of human rights for all individuals, irrespective of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, social and economic status.
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