Sign The Petition: We Stand Against Quebec's Bill 21

Sign The Petition: We Stand Against Quebec's Bill 21


I stand with Sikhs, Muslims, Jews and the Indigenous in Quebec, and across Canada, in the fight against Quebec's discriminatory and racist Bill 21

Add your voice to our coast to coast movement in protecting our human rights!



The World Sikh Organization of Canada is deeply saddened by the passing of Bill 21- An Act respecting the laicity of the State by the Coalition Avenir Quebec government banning the wearing of religious symbols. 

The Bill was passed in a rare late-night vote on Sunday after the Government of Quebec invoked closure to prematurely end debate. 

The Government of Quebec has also invoked the notwithstanding clause, allowing it to override freedom of religion protections enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms.

Bill 21 restricts the wearing of ‘religious symbols’ by public servants in positions of authority such as police officers, judges, prosecutors and also school teachers and principals


L'Organisation mondiale des Sikhs du Canada (la WSO) est profondément attristée par l’acceptation du projet de loi 21, Loi sur la laïcité de l'État, par le gouvernement de la Coalition Avenir Québec.

Elle interdit le port des symboles religieux.

Le projet de la loi a été adopté dimanche nuit, suite à la demande de clôture pour mettre fin prématurément au débat.

Le gouvernement du Québec a également invoqué la clause nonobstant lui permettant de passer outre aux protections de la liberté de religion inscrites dans la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés.

Le projet de loi n ° 21 interdit le port de "symboles religieux" par les fonctionnaires occupant des postes à responsabilités tels que les policiers, les juges, les procureurs, ainsi que les enseignants et les directeurs d'école.


I, the undersigned, believe that:

  1. The CAQ's Bill 21 will have a negative impact on minorities of Sikh and other backgrounds and infringes the basic human rights of all people.

  2. Bill 21 also infringes the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and international human rights norms.

  3. Bill 21 will also have a negative trickle-down impact on private sector jobs and will hurt Sikh workers outside of the directly impacted public service sector.

  4. We must call unto all elected representatives at each level of government to unequivocally and publicly denounce Bill 21 and exhaust every option available to overturn this piece of legislation (you can find your local MP here)
1,000 signatures

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