By Pardeep Singh Nagra
Approximately over 250 000 Sikhs served in the World Wars. They served and saw action in all the major campaigns of WW1 in France and Flanders Belgium including Ypres, Neuve Chapelle, La Bassee, Somme, and Vimy. Sikhs also served in campaigns in Mesopotamia, Persia, East Africa, Gallipoli and the Far East. Fighting in the trenches and muddy fields of Europe, in the deserts, among the mountains and on the oceans in these global conflicts, the Sikhs would win unstinting respect for their courage, bravery, patience and fortitude.
Sikhs not only served and fought on behalf of the British Indian Army in WW1, but also served in the Canadian and Australian overseas battalions, and today Sikhs continue to sever there Nations in Canada, United Kingdom, and the United States of America just to name a few. Sikhs also serve with the United Nations (UN) army as well.
The following is a list of Sikh Soldiers who fought for Canada in WW1:
1 John Baboo (John Baboo Singh)
Service Number: 830650
Address: Henry Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba and P.O. Box 571, Vancouver, BC.
Next of Kin: Wife - Virginia Maude Alice Baboo (124 Smith Street, Winnipeg)
Birth Date: May 27, 1888
Place of Birth: Sharpa, Puajah (Punjab), India
Trade: groom, labourer
Place and Date of Attestation: Winnipeg. Jan. 29, 1916
Military Unit: 144th Battalion, to 44th Btn
Former Military Unit: 28th Calvary Madras India
Later History
Last Known Address: 837 Bay Street, Victoria
Family Names:
Wife - Virginia Maude Baboo (Irish, born Indiana, USA about 1888)
Daughter - Margaret (born in USA in 1908 or 1906)
Time and Place of Death: July 9, 1948 (?) Saanich, B.C.
2 Sunta Gougersing, (Gouger Sing, Goojar Singh, Gow Ger Sing, S.)
Service Number: 65400
Next of Kin: Father - Gougersing (Gouger Sing), S.G. Singh was a "widower"
Birth Date: 1881
Place of Birth: Lahore, Punjab, Pre-Partition India, now Pakistan)
Place and Date of Attestation: Jan. 6, 1915, Montreal
Initial Unit: 24th Bn (Quebec Regt)
Former Military Unit: 32nd Punjab Rifles
Later History
Last Known Address: Lahore, Punjab
Family Names
Father - Bhola Singh, Santa, of Janbal, Phillour Tahsil, Jullundur District
Wife - Musammat Bishn Kaur, of Janbal, India
Time and Place of Death: Killed in Action October 19, 1915, buried in La Laiterie
Military Cemetery, Belgium.
3 Buckam Singh (Bukkam, Buk Am, Bukkan)
Service Number: 454819
Next of Kin: Father - Badan Singh,
Mother - Chandi (Mrs Buckan) Mahilpur, Hosiar, Punjab
Wife - Pritam Kaur (married March 1903)
Birth Date: Dec. 5, 1893
Place of Birth: Punjab, India. From Mahilpur, Hoshiarpur, Punjab
Trade: Labourer
Place and Date of Attestation: Smiths Falls, April 23, 1915 Military Unit: 38th Btn
Later History
Last Known Address: Kitchener Military Hospital, Ontario
Family Names
Wife - Pritam Kaur c/o Bhagwan Singh Gill, Jamsher, (Jamshahr)
Jullundur, Punjab.
Also - Nihal Singh Gill, Jullundur
Time and Place of Death: August 27, 1919. Kitchener, Ontario
Gravestone: "Of Mahilpur, Punjab"
See also Sandeep Singh Brar's website at:
4 Hari Singh
Service Number: 139181
Address: 181 Simco Avenue, Toronto
Birth Date: June 6, 1882
Place of Birth: Lallpur, Amritsar, Punjab, India
Next of Kin: Wife - Mrs Nihell Coor Hari Singh
Address: Lallpur, Amritsar, India
Trade: Caretaker
Place and Date of Attestation: July 13, 1915, Toronto
Military Unit: (5th Bombay Cavalry Sindhars - 3 years) 75th Btn, 198th Btn, 3rd
Reserve Btn, Royal Canadian Dragoons.
Former Military Unit: 5th Bombay Cavalry Sindhars - 3 years
Later History
Last Known Address: 783 Gerrard East, and 395 Ossington Av, Toronto
Family Names: Wife - Mrs Nihall Coor Hari Singh, c/o S. Shum Singh, P.O.
Naushshra, Pauuan District, Amritsar, Punjab, India.
Sons - two
Address: Worked at Toronto Carpet Manufacturers and Canadian Corps of
Time and Place of Death: April 8, 1953, Toronto ?
5 Harnom Singh (alias Harry Robson)
Service Number: 827025
Address: Chilliwack, BC
Birth Date: 4 July 1888
Place of Birth: Juarez Mexico?
Next of Kin:
Father - Joseph Robson / Gondo Robin Hormon
Mother - Bishina Counom
Address: Father - Singapore?, India (134 Linge St.), Mother - Counial Raper,
India Trade: Sawyer
Place and Date of Attestation: October 20, 1916. Vancouver
Military Unit: 47th, 143rd Battalion (Railway Construction Battalion)
Later History
Last Known Address: Chilliwack (General Delivery, Vancouver)
Family Names: Wife - Indu Kaur (Indercorp Hindu) (Mrs. Ind Kur)
Address: (Patti) Raipur P.O. Raiper, India, (Poti Rangeki P.O.), Village
Raipur, Thana Delu District, Ludisham, Pounjoub, India
Time and Place of Death: unknown
6 John Singh
Service Number: 721760
Address: Winnipeg
Birth Date: December 13, 1880
Place of Birth: India
Next of Kin: Hird Singh
Address: Dodea, Lahore, Punjaub, India
Trade: Farm Labourer
Place and Date of Attestation: January 28, 1916, Winnipeg
Military Unit: 108th Overseas Battalion, 2nd Labour Battalion, 73rd CFC
Later History
Last Known Address: GPO Winnipeg
Family: Next of Kin - Sidodo S., Fraser Mills, B.C.
Time and Place of Death: October 30, 1971
7 Lashman Singh (Laal M. Singh) (Loal Singh)
Service Number: 219222
Next of Kin: Brother - Dalip Singh, Dlep Singh
Birth Date: Jan. 15, 1885
Place of Birth: Punjab, India
Trade: Labourer
Place and Date of Attestation: Sept. 7, 1915. Smiths Falls, Ontario
Military Unit: 75th Battalion
Later History
Family Names: Brother - Dalip Singh, Address - Bulohiwall P.O. Dhada Fateh Hoshian, Punjab, India
Bulohwall P.O. Singh Wole, Dhade Fatch, Hoskear, PW Punjab
Bulowall P.O. Dhade-Fakh, Hoshiar, Singhwele PU Punjab
Time and Place of Death: Killed in action on October 24,1918. Buried in the Arras
Road British Cemetery, Roclincourt, France.
8 Ram Singh
Service Number: 4080094
Address: Grand Forks BC
Birth Date: December 3, 1888
Place of Birth: Punjab
Next of Kin: Uncle - Ralla Singh
Address: c/o Riverside Nursery, Grand Forks, BC
Trade: Labourer
Place and Date of Attestation: December 12, 1917. Vancouver
Later History
Last Known Address: Grand Forks, BC
Family Names: single
Time and Place of Death: unknown
9 Sewa Singh
Service Number: 2024282
Address: 776 Homer St., Vancouver, BC
Birth Date: June 7, 1890
Place of Birth: Niminra, Dinjutah, India
Next of Kin: Brother - Outram Singh
Address: Niminra, Dinjutah, India
Trade: Millman
Place and Date of Attestation: June 10, 1918. Vancouver, BC.
Military Unit: 1st Cdn Res Battalion
Former Military Unit: 14th Sikhs - 3 years
Later History
Last Known Address: 776 Homer St. Vancouver in 1918
2205 Commercial Drive (Canadian Legion) Vancouver in 1919
Family: widower
Sons: Lowl Singh, Mona Singh
Address: District Gelanda, Boat House, P. Preovada (Pocovada?), City of
Nomarna, Punjab, India (Post Office Fugbara)
Time and Place of Death: 1957?
10 Waryam Singh (Wary Am Singh)
Service Number: 410622
Next of Kin: Father: Wazam Singh, Dhobae, Punjab
Mother: Mrs. Darbey Singh (Darley Kaur)
Birth Date: Jan. 23, 1883 ? and June 15, 1879 ?
Place of Birth: Punjab, India
Trade: Farmer, labourer
Place and Date of Attestation: Smiths Falls, May 5, 1915
Military Unit: 38th Btn (Eastern Ontario Regiment) Later History
Last Known Address: Dhobae, Kapurthala, Punjab and Sikh Temple, Vancouver
Family Names: Daughter - Miss Amrous (Karem Singh), Dhobae, Kapurthala,
Mother - Mrs. Darley Kaur c/o Waryea Singh, Dhobae, Kapurthala
Brother: Slae Indar Singh, Dhobae, Kapurthala, Punjab
Time and Place of Death: unknown
By remembering their service and their sacrifice, we recognize the tradition of freedom these men and women fought to preserve. They believed that their actions in the present would make a significant difference for the future. On Remembrance Day, we acknowledge the courage and sacrifice of those who served their country and acknowledge our responsibility to continue their legacy.
We must remember.
Please join us on November 11, 2012 to remember and honour those who gave and continue to give. The Sikh Heritage Museum of Canada (SHMC) will be hosting an Exhibition & Lecture featuring hundreds of rare artifacts including medals, photographs, prints, drawings, books, postcards, magazines, and pagri badges, highlighting the valour of Sikh soldiers in WW1 and WW2. The Exhibition will also bring to light the spectacular story of the Sikh soldiers who served and fought for Canada during WW1.
DATE: Sunday November 11, 2012
TIME: 1 to 4pm (Lecture commences at 3:00pm)
LOCATION: Pearson Convention Centre, 2638 Steeles Avenue East, Brampton, Ontario, L4T 4L7
Also, the documentary film, Canadian Soldier Sikhs: A Little Story in a Big War, will be aired on OMNITV across Canada on Remembrance Day, November 11, 2012. The film will air in Ontario at 6pm on OMNI2, in Alberta at 9pm and in British Columbia at 8pm.
Lest We Forget