By Ripan Kaur (WSO Communications Intern) FIFA's recent announcement approving goal line technology came with another important change to the game - the org...
The Sikh community has been front and centre in the aftermath of the tragic Wisconsin Gurdwara shooting which took the lives of six worshippers. The shooter...
Where are the voices of our elected officials defending the right of Sikh children to play soccer with their turbans in Montreal?
Sikhs across the world and across Canada are gathering to mark Vaisakhi or the founding of the Khalsa. Many Canadians may be familiar with the sight of colo...
In response to Terry Milewski's commentary "Sikhs rally for suicide bomber on Parliament HIll", the World Sikh Organization of Canada has sent a letter of co...
WSO legal counsel Balpreet Singh's commentary on the recent media coverage of the Balwant Singh Rajoana issue appeared in the The Province today. Balpreet S...
We were bemused to see an article by the Georgia Straight’s Charlie Smith attempting to draw a link between NDP leadership candidate Martin Singh’s campaign ...
UPDATE: Kulwant Singh died of his injuries on February 14th. On Sunday February 12, 2012 Indian media reported that 35 year old ‘dreaded terrorist’ Kulwant...
The World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) completed its 27th year of service in 2011 and once again this year we’ve been able to accomplish so much with yo...
Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney recently announced that henceforth, Muslim women will be prohibited from covering their faces with...
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