2015: Removing Secondary Screening of Dastaars

In 2015, the Canadian Air Transport Security Agency's (CATSA) made changes to the procedure for screening religious headgear. It required the mandatory secondary security screening of turbans and other religious headgear. Canadian Sikhs were not consulted with respect to the new procedure and no notice or forewarning was provided prior to its implementation.

Upon learning of this change, WSO called on Transport Canada to immediately suspend the new headgear screening procedure and revert to the one used prior. In 2016, we welcomed the reversal of the mandatory Explosive Trace Detection turban screening procedure at Canadian airports. The reversal came hours after a news release put out by the WSO condemning the policy.

Although satisfied with the reversal, WSO highlighted the inappropriateness that such a policy was introduced in the absence of community consultation or notice. Since then, we have worked with CATSA regularly to ensure our rights as Canadian Sikhs are protected.