1984: Founding of WSO

December 1, 2024 marks the 40th anniversary of the WSO. In the aftermath of the Government of India’s brutal assault on Sri Darbar Sahib in June and the genocide of Sikhs across India in November, Sikhs from across Canada gathered in Toronto on December 1, 1984 and founded the World Sikh Organization of Canada.

At a time when the community lacked representation in government, in the courts, and in many other spaces across Canadian society, the WSO worked hard to provide Sikhs with a strong and credible voice to protect our rights. This includes the many milestones that we have been highlighting with our 40 years of WSO campaign.

Today, much has evolved and our community has made many gains. However, our organization’s role and purpose is as relevant as ever. With the recent developments in Indian interference, fighting Bill 21 in Quebec courts, and ongoing dastaar/kakaar accommodations, we continue to be that voice for Canadian Sikhs.